Rice Husk

Rice Husk- Get Heavy Discounts on Whole Sale Trade at India Food Grain

The world-famous staple food; rice is normally grown as an annual plant in tropical areas. Rice cultivation is majorly suitable in areas like steep hills and mountains which requires ample water which is also referred to as paddy; rice paddy.  Paddy farming is therefore; the most preventative farming in northern and southern Asia. Rice is the Kharif crop which can also grow in fewer water facilities with the help of irrigation. Although there are many big brands as rice wholesalers, India Food Grain is the best and world-leading wholesaler of Rice Husk Price.


World Record Facts

More than half of the world’s population is dependent on rice which is the main cereal grain and the third-highest commodity worldwide. If we talk about India; there are many regions where rice is cultivated and farmed namely Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, and Kerala.

Rice is a tropical crop composed of 68% water and 28- 30% carbohydrates which grows in biotic conditions. India Food Grains- IFG provides the best rice husk price as compared to other food grains in the market. So, therefore; I would highly recommend contacting the first preference of the consumers- India Food Grain of which the details are mentioned below for reference.


Importance of Rice


Rice Husk
Beat Rice husk supplier in India

Rice is a complex carb that has a very vital role to play in malnutrition; therefore the Union Agriculture Ministry has kept rice as the primary staple food of India. According to Rice Segments and CAGR reports; the Rice Production industry is estimated to reach US$94.10 bn by the end of 2023 which is more than the most significant competitor China.


About India Food Grain


Here you can get the best quality of Indrayani rice, Indrayani Basmati Rice, and Basmati rice as the company is the best dealer in terms of Paddy Husk Price. The company- India Food Grain is the best importer and exporter of rice which includes a variety of rice like white rice, brown rice, long grain rice, Sella Rice, etc with superior quality and good packing without any Hassel.

IFG is graded as the top supplier of Rice Husk Prices– inexpensive prices in different parts of India- anywhere. The company is based out in North West Delhi providing the best quality in Rice Husk, Cashew, and Paddy Husk on a heavily discounted prices rate.



The off-wholesaler company offers you the best deals on rice husk, and therefore go and check them out at- IFG at the earliest. IFG is best known as the wholesaler of high quality which helps in increasing the high metabolism, improving the immune system and digestion along with weight loss system.

Rice Husk

How Can Rice Husk Ash Be Used?

A by-product of agriculture, rice mills produce rice husk ash. The covering of rice seeds or grains is known as the “rice husk” or “rice hull.” During the growth season, this layer shields the seed or grain. The husk transforms into hard substances like lignin and opaline silica. Rice husk contains significant amounts of silica when burned properly (SiO2).

As a result, it can be utilised as a cement-based material along with cement to create concrete products. When rice is milled, rice makes up 80% of the weight, while husk makes up 20% of the weight. Additionally, this husk can be utilised as fuel for the creation of steam or electricity, among other things. Basically Rice husk is very important role in our daily to daily life this is the reason many rice husk suppliers in India.

www.indiafoodgrain.com provides the platform to many rice husk wholesalers in India. So dealers can directly buy good quality of rice husk at affordable prices.

Rice husk has many advantages: –

  • The cement has good compressive strength because to rice husk ash.
  • Since it is a by-product, it helps reduce environmental pollution.
  • It works well as a cement-based ingredient or pozzolanic additive due to the high silica concentration.
  • Because the density of concrete containing rice husk ash is equivalent to that of regular weight concrete, it can be used for a variety of purposes.
  • The durability of concrete is increased by the use of rice hulls, which has good shrinkage properties.

How Can Rice Husk Ash Be Used?

Use of rice husk ash in concrete can be accomplished in two different ways.

  • You can mix the rice husk ash with regular Portland cement.
  • Rice husk ash can be used in place of regular Portland cement to a specific extent.

The results of the numerous experimental investigations showed that using rice husk ash as a partial replacement for cement increases the concrete’s compressive strength. By the weight of cement, the replacement percentage for rice husk ash ranges from 5% to 30%.


In conclusion, using by-products like rice husk ash in concrete increases its quality, lowers pollution, and lowers construction costs. It has been shown to be an effective way for disposing of vast amounts of waste that would otherwise harm the land, air, and water. To strengthen the strength of concrete, it can be added to the cement at a weight percentage of 5 to 30%. Consequently, it is a green product that also saves money. Indiafoodgrains is the best platform to all wholesalers who can sell their rise husk in pan india.