Wholesale trade in Wheat

The most commonly consumed grain, wheat, is a Rabi crop which usually requires 15 to 20 degrees of temperature for a good harvest.

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Selling grains wholesale

Rice Husk

Rice husk is considered to be one of the most promising and environmentally friendly sources for the production of silicon-based material. It is an outer shell that covers the paddy grain and accounts for approximately 20% of its weight. In the process of rice milling, it is removed. Originally, Rice husks were found from Gujarat […]


These crops were brought to India by the Portuguese. The cashew tree is an evergreen tree, and the seed is developed in a kidney-like structure beneath the cashew apple. Cashews are most commonly used in south Asian countries as garnishing on various sweets and dishes. India is the largest producer of cashew in the world. […]


The world’s most popular crop of Paddy field farming remains the dominant form of growing rice in modern times. A paddy is grown in the ground lable regions of north India and Near by other state. It is practiced extensively in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Northeast India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, […]

Hurry, 20% discount until the end of the month!

Discount — the amount by which reduced the selling price of the goods sold to the buyer. Historically, the prices were and began to be used in conditions of street trade, where the seller as a result of bargaining offer discounts to customers that purchase more products.

Why choose us?






India Food Grain


IFG has so far retained the trust our partners, buyers, and sellers put in us and will never let their faith waver. We have helped many of its partners grow during the pandemic time and is a proud supplier of grains to ITC since 2016. We don’t only trade food grains throughout the Indian nation but also export our grains in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Dubai, and Pakistan. A leading exporter, supplier, and trader, this organization is a fair food grains dealing company that preserves the integrity, ethics, and authenticity.

India Food Grain


IFG has so far retained the trust our partners, buyers, and sellers put in us and will never let their faith waver. We have helped many of its partners grow during the pandemic time and is a proud supplier of grains to ITC since 2016. We don’t only trade food grains throughout the Indian nation but also export our grains in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Dubai, and Pakistan. A leading exporter, supplier, and trader, this organization is a fair food grains dealing company that preserves the integrity, ethics, and authenticity.


Best Wholesale Coffee Beans Supplier in India

Welcome to India Food Grain, where you can find coffee beans in India at affordable prices. We honestly value quality, sustainability, and providing customer service, which makes us stand out in the industry. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the captivating realm of coffee beans. Share why we are your trusted source for the […]

Your Trusted Rice Husk Wholesaler in India

Rice Husk Wholesaler in India Welcome to India Food Grain, the world of rice husk, a versatile agricultural by-product with excellent potential. As the leading rice husk wholesaler in India, we are here to shed light on the numerous applications, and benefits, and why choosing us as your supplier is a smart choice for your […]

Rice Husk- Get Heavy Discounts on Whole Sale Trade at India Food Grain

The world-famous staple food; rice is normally grown as an annual plant in tropical areas. Rice cultivation is majorly suitable in areas like steep hills and mountains which requires ample water which is also referred to as paddy; rice paddy.  Paddy farming is therefore; the most preventative farming in northern and southern Asia. Rice is […]